Black Friday at Number 8  is offering up some exceptionally good deals this year.

A Black Friday table will be full of some perfect Christmas gift ideas with even 25% all GHD appliances ! Paul Mitchell Christmas gift sets, dock and bay headwrap towels & dock and bay beach towels. Gift vouchers will also be available for 3 for 2 so you can treat your wife, mum, sister, auntie, niece, girlfriend or your bestie to pamper at the salon.

Check out our social media pages for sneak peaks into what will be on offer this weekend, Once they’re gone they’re gone so don’t miss out!



  • T&C
  1. Black Friday deals only available Friday 25th & Saturday 26th November 2022.
  2. Must be paid in full no part payment on electrical appliances.
  3. Gift vouchers to be used between 1st January 2023 – 31st January 2023
  4. 1 set of gift vouchers per person paying.
  5. 1 set of vouchers used per transaction.