Most common scalp problem and tips to help.
Do you suffer from a sensitive scalp or experience itchiness and noticing flakiness, the winter can be harsh on the scalp with the colder weather and heated indoors our scalp and skin can lose a lot of moisture and become dry. It has also been scientifically proven that a healthy scalp is linked to good quality hair so it is important to not ignore any scalp issues you might experience. At Number 8 we are not doctors so would always encourage you to seek medical advice.
The most common scalp problem is Dandruff. Dandruff isn’t contagious or serious but can be quite embarrassing, luckily it is easily treated with the correct shampoo and teamed with moisturising scalp tonics.
Dandruff can take 2 forms. One type is smooth dandruff which appears smooth and yellowish pieces that form on the scalp and stick to the head and hair. Dry dandruff is dry white deposits that form on the scalp and fall off the head and can feel like it’s snowing on your shoulders. It is also common for dandruff to be itchy, tingly with some redness on a smooth or dry scalp.
Dandruff accrues with a few different issues included incorrect haircare, harsh shampoos and washing your hair in hot water, hormonal fluctuations like puberty and menopause where too much sebum is produced on the scalp. Stress is also a big factor as this can mess with the body’s metabolism again causing dandruff as a result.
More serve cases of dandruff can be a form of Psoriasis and will appear in more of a rounded scaly appearance. Malassezia furfur is a yeast that is among regular pores specifically on fatty acids in the sebaceous glands of the pores of the skin. When the scalp sebum production increases it causes inflammation with any itchy flaky scalp opening the areas to bacteria to the pours.
To help treat dandruff you need to determine which type of dandruff you have yourself For smooth dandruff you’d benefit from a exfoliating shampoo teamed with a scalp tonic and for dry dandruff you’d benefit from a sensitive shampoo teamed with a sensitive lotion.
Hair loss is another worrying scalp issue that can be alarming for you to deal with. It can occur suddenly or over a matter of years and can be permanent depends on the cause of hair loss. Losing between 50-100 strands of hair EVERY DAY is very normal and a healthy scalp turnover.
The causes of hair loss can range from hormonal changes due to pregnancy, menopause, and thyroid. Hormonal hair loss can be alarming and, in most cases, can be temporary. Medications can also cause hair loss such as treating cancer, high blood pressure depression and some arthritis medications. Alopecia which is an autoimmune disease that attacks the hair follicles. Male pattern hair loss which is a genetic trait within the family.
If you are concerned about continuous hair loss, we would always advice seeing your GP or seeing a dermatologist to give you the best advice and prognosis.
Ringworm. A fungal infection that is highly contagious. It is not a living worm living in your skin it has the name because the fungus makes circular marks on the skin. It thrives on the warm and sweaty skin on the scalp and can be causes by poor hygiene, sharing hairbrushes/combs, bedding and coming into contact with someone already with ringworm. House pets like cats and dogs can also spread ringworm. Treatment is needed to clear up this scalp condition and can be in the form of oral medication and medicated shampoo.
As we move forward into 2023 Number 8 is dedicated to continued learning of the science behind our hair and scalps so we can best guide our clients to optimal hair and scalp health. We have some beautiful haircare brands in the salon which offer a wide range of quality products. If you feel you need advice on any scalp issue you might be experiencing, please get in contact with us at Number 8 and we will help you in the best way that we can. Find us on Facebook and Instagram by clicking the links.