To toner or not to toner, our helpful guide to what exactly this service is and what you can expect from it.
Firstly what exactly is a Toner or a Gloss, or a Glaze, or an Overlay? Basically they are all the same thing, they get called different names depending on the stylist and which colour house they use.
Don’t be confused by the word “toner “. A toner is a service, not a specific product. It’s a word used to describe what we’re doing not what we’re actually using. It’s common to use demi-permanent colour but could also be permanent or even semi-permanent and can be used to neutralize, enhance or brighten your hair.
I know this sound’s crazy but nobody’s hair lifts to ash, or white, or silver, or any other pale blonde that most clients would like, shocking I know! However I can assure you that it will lift orange, ginger or yellow and if those are not your desired colours then a toner will be necessary, and will require extra time in the salon. Toners are quite a quick service so it doesn’t need to disturb your lunch date with your mates but you should ask your stylist how long you think they should need.
The word toner has a bad reputation to a lot of clients. It’s been rumoured that when you tone a client it’s because you did something wrong and that’s just not the case. As a matter of fact clients with virgin hair lift so beautifully sometimes that you may not need one but if you’re looking for customized colours such as greys, champagne, platinum, rose gold, etc. then you’ll definitely need to use one.
And remember everything we do is temporary…
EVERYTHING. If it wasn’t we’d never make any money so you can expect your toners to be temporary as well. The healthier the hair, the longer it will last, the more damaged or porous the more temporary it will be and may require more frequent maintenance. You will also need to consult your stylist to which shampoo and conditioner compliments your new hair colour, as they can also greatly affect the length of time your toner will last. You might need to come in between topping your root colour for a toner to keep the desired colour perfect, this is normal and doesn’t mean it hasn’t lasted- that part is down to you and how much care you give your hair.